Snow Country Consultants Ltd. expertise includes the design and review of buildings suitable for snow country.
Living and playing in snow country for over 40 years has given a front row seat in observing how buildings work in heavy snow areas. Our background in structural engineering has evolved into an expertise in design and review of buildings suitable for snow country. A successful design must take into account the environment in which it will be built and each mountain locale has different characteristics.
Whistler Canada has large volumes of heavy coastal snow whereas Colorado has light snow and cold temperatures leading to large ice dams. Each environment is unique so that a design suitable for one area cannot necessarily be superimposed on another area without considering the consequences.
What is Snow Management?
The purpose of snow management consulting is to reduce the risk of potential problems associated with large volumes of snow and ice. A successful design may still require manual snow removal and a certain amount of annual maintenance, however, the goal is to increase safety and reduce long term repair and maintenance costs. Predicting the behavior of snow and ice is somewhat like predicting the weather: based on previous experience and the data at hand, the most likely outcome can be predicted but not guaranteed. I am essentially trouble shooting and testing the proposed design to achieve buildings better suited to snowy climates. My analysis and reports are forwarded to the architect and owner/developer for their benefit so that they can make the final design decisions.
New Construction:
In very general terms my typical services include:
* Research climate conditions for the specific project site including snow volume, winter temperatures, freeze thaw cycle frequency, wind and drifting.
* Review of the schematic plans for the site and building(s) to test them against anticipated snow conditions.
* Analysis and Comment on the proposed design in a report form incorporating roof plans and elevations from the architectural drawings indicating potential issues for the architect and owner’s consideration and recommending improvements to the design where appropriate.
* Follow-up these comments made in the report as the design is refined and improved and review proposed details.
Existing Projects:
Snow avalanching off roofs, ice damage, and leaks from ice dams are common problems for existing buildings. I can determine the probable cause of these and other snow related difficulties and recommend a course of action. Not all problems can be solved since they may be inherent in the design, however almost all can be mitigated.
LEED & Environmental Considerations:
Snow melt for driveways and walking paths is an effective tool for dealing with snow by reducing maintenance and potential injuries, but require energy to operate. Heat tracing of gutters and eaves can reduce problems with snow and ice. During our review we identify areas that require heat trace and snowmelt, but try to reduce the requirements wherever possible in order to reduce energy consumption.
Qualifications: Jonathan Paine, B.ApSc. Principal Registered as a professional engineer in British Columbia from 1976 until 2022, Jon provided both structural engineering and snow consulting until 2006 and since has focused solely on snow management.
An interest in the interaction between snow and buildings began with a major roof avalanche from the Whistler Conference Center in 1982. Learning from successes and failures has lead to a 40 year career providing snow management consulting across North America. Now semi retired, Jon is working on several ongoing projects in the USA and enjoying life. At this time Snow Country Consultants is only providing services in the USA.
Contact Snow Country Consultants
I am always happy to discuss your project so give me a call or drop a note. Snow Country Consultants has the experience and construction knowledge to help make your project successful.
Jon Paine
Snow Country Consultants
Garden Bay, BC
T 604 932 8818